Two-Way Street

You’ve all heard the saying, Relationships are a two-way street. I’ve always known this. You can’t be the only one giving or something isn’t going to work. I think everyone understands this concept. Until yesterday. After spending the last week reflecting on lost friendships I had a moment with my partner that opened my eyes….

For Addy

This year is different. I’ve already lost you in so many ways But tonight I felt your name Lost on the tip of my tongue And I cried myself to sleep. Because it’s just another day To all the people I never told, And our little family Couldn’t be farther apart. What would they think…

The Nerve

I still write to you Just in case I get the nerve To tell you the truth

Letter to Heartbreak

How do I explain A grief that was never mine But it’s your birthday And I don’t know what to say Except I wish you were here I wonder about How different life would be If you had stayed A few weeks might have changed The direction of our lives But now I don’t think…

This Is How We Grieve

Last night We brought out our old photo albums And spent time flicking through The sepia toned smiles of our bloodline This is how we grieve. Grandma’s middle name was the same as mom’s It was Virginia And there, That’s mom before she got sick She was beautiful Now this is all we have left…

A Letter To March

Dear March, I keep trying to write you this letter but nothing I write seems good enough. It feels like what I’m writing is inauthentic and that I’m forcing a positive outlook on the month. In reality, March, I spent most of this month stuck in my head not being able to focus on what…