A Twelve Step Guide To Staying Single

Look, I know you’re all wondering how I’ve managed to be single for as long as I have. I don’t want to say that I’m an expert at this but I’ve been single all my life with the exception of 10 months. Okay, maybe I do want to say I’m an expert. Being single is…

How To Create A Schedule And Stick To It

Last week you may have read that I was making a schedule that was a bit more strict and I figure why not talk about how I’m doing it. (Even if I did immediately skip a day. I’m calling it a vacation.) Be passionate about the thing. Make sure you really care about what you’re…

How To Budget Your Money

Do you find yourself constantly worrying about how you’re going to make it to your next paycheck? I know I used to when I was living alone in an apartment that was too expensive for my singular paycheck after my roommate left me high and dry. (Okay so maybe I’m still a little bitter about…

A Bullshitter’s Guide to Landing Your Dream Job

First a little housekeeping. Sorry I’ve missed my last two Friday posts. Life has gotten in the way. I’m back though. I know it’s Saturday but we’re getting back on track. I’ll catch you on the flip side! Do you ever wonder how it seems that people just have jobs falling into their laps without…

How To Keep Going

In a moment of desperation with today’s blog, I googled “what are the most commonly asked ‘how to’ questions.” I was obviously greeted with the map below, which although is funny, doesn’t give me inspiration for what to write today. Just my luck. So here I am, staring at my computer not knowing what to…

How To Quit Your Job And Become A Writer

Step one: Write. Write until you run out of thoughts. Step two: Read, watch, listen. Consume the art of others Step three: Write more. Don’t stop writing. Write about your dreams. Write about your opinions. Write about your future or your past. Never stop writing. Step four: Realize that you’re unhappy at your day job…

A Fool Proof Guide To Being A Good Friend

Do you ever have days when you think you’re a bad friend? I know I do. All. The. Time. So how do you fix that? First of all, we need to realize that being good and doing the right thing take effort. This relates to the fight or flight response. Survival of the fittest. Humans…

That’s Mental! – Anxiety

Welcome to another installment of That’s Mental! Today we’re talking about anxiety because it seemed fitting with Monday’s poem. If you’ve been following me for any length of time you’ll know that I have that pesky little brain thing. I could do without it, but unfortunately life doesn’t always work that way. So to spite…

How To Redefine Your Style

I’ve been going through a style funk lately. I like to tell myself that I would capable of being really fashionable if I could afford it, but maybe that’s not actually true. There have been plenty of times when I had an abundance of funds (in comparison to what I was used to. I wasn’t a…